reclaiming the unknown universe of our bodies

The experience in these bodywork healing rituals is based on a set of archetypes and spiritual paradigms, that also are the bones of family constellations and shamanic rites that heal the psyche and the soul in a realm of timelessness. This bodywork has its roots deep in my spiritual experiences and my ancestry of mongolian shamanism, the sky womxn and wolf womxn as well as a whole support network of modern day teachers and guides. In ritual you and I together we penetrate deep into a timeless zone, a twilight zone, a shadowy, bodily and allegorical time in which all that ever was and ever will be is present with/in us.

Throughout this journey we home in on the experiencing of a wild space, of origin, a primordial state of being, where stories and literacy cannot not exist. Healing takes place in this sacred realm, but it becomes tangible and visible through - the body - the altar - and its felt sense - the ritual - you enter a corporeal, embodied, unfeigned state. Everything throughout the session is aimed at detaching you from the linearity of your mind and its wicked relation to time and instead lead you into the deep cavern of the body - the connection that links both the tangible and concealed worlds.

Your process serves as an embodiment of an invitation for awakening a powerful somatic medicine within the body and psyche. Together we retrieve denied, shamed, lost and fragmented parts of you and bring them home. We can sense and experience noxious and baleful energies that are squatting in the cellular tissues of your body landscape and return these to peaceful waters. During bodywork rituals, I infuse unique energies that contribute to the healing with blessings, herbal offerings, water, scents and purifying smoke - gathered always around the altar - the altar of you. This process is less about forcing to heal - more about surrender, presence, trust and lust for the here and the now - but the causal sequence is healing.

'“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you at all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” ―Martha Graham

find your wild ecstasy within

Here in the space provided there is no where to be, nothing to get, to chase, or to seek, no path nor a goal - the only compulsion is to trust and surrender. Come across the threshold and give up on it all, not because we care not but because we care so profoundly. There is a space here for you to unlearn the prejudices of your sexuality and sensuality, a space to shed inherent traumas and begin a journey of microcosmic re-sensitisation. Your orgasmicity never left you, it just became enshrined under a layer of thick skin, enduring the knowing of that which was long forgotten - how to truly savour, feel and taste life.

In this bodywork zone, we unite with all the worlds you hold within and all the places you have not yet been. We breathe in a combo of magical awareness, presence and ripen your ability to sit in love with the life of your body, exhaling it all, in a space satiated with a transformative power that invokes the redemption of you as a sexually energetic being. In a bodywork ritual, I will tempt you to turn inside out, your openness to all there is and follow me to flow via a medium of sensual experiencing that is like an exquisite, experiential seduction back to life, back to being fully aroused by all that life has to offer.

In our bodywork journeys we dismantle, gently current by current, all the blockages we have put up against this wild flow of kundalin energy so that in time we can unify our instinctual flow of kundalin with the sensuality of the heart space. Sacredly, birthing the embodiment of love and merging our duality into a more harmonious kinship. Your kundalin energy is so cosmic, earthy and divine - it will intrinsically infuse you from head to core to toe with a free flow of life-force energy, your relentless source of biological orgasmic ecstasy.

Still it is all heart-work.

Can you hear a calling home that it is safe to be in your body ? - yes? - then the journey home intuitively begins.

energy is all there is

The physical structure, the matter, the mass of our bodies, is still a miraculous circuitous energy system. Every cell a living, vibrating and electrifying ground for the manifestation of your being. The free flow of this energy through your body landscape is most potent form of self healing - a natal medicine that instinctively inflames you on all layers.

‘It is more like an experiencing, than like an experience. It is a process, and it begins, but it never ends. You enter into it, but you never possess it. It is like a dropping into the ocean, or the ocean itself dropping into the drop. It is a deep merger, a oneness: you simply melt into it.’ - Osho

A metamorphosis

transmuting our pains to pleasure

You shut your eyes, leave all prediction and intention eating the dust and step right in - the moment you are able to slip in, your whole body relaxes into whatever is arising, if feels truly like home, its like you are back there, at the origin. You are soaring. It is an experiencing that you will be very familiar with and that you have been waiting to descry again for very likely a long time. Sometimes in sessions we are present with this in absolute darkness, with herbal or resin smoke and purification rites, exploring myths and archetypal reverberations of bodily memories. Your perception of outer and surface awareness can transmute into an affair with a labyrinthine of inner intimacies.

You will reach a moment in session when it may seem that you far away or even out of your body - but I can assure you that this is the very unfamiliar feel of being so solidly in your body, in the embodiment of it all - that it opens the doors to transcendental state of consciousness, which can bring us to galactic, etheric grids. When your senses are surrendered so open wide, you start to feel the void, devoid and bare, because you are now in a purified state of being, emptied of attachments and stories, in contact with the well spring, the epicentre of your essence. Now the process can really begin, giving embodiment to the holdings underneath the thinking, judgements and projections. In sessions spontaneous movements of the body, surfacing pains, auditory and visual hallucinations are a sign that are certain shift of consciousness is happening.

There is almost no limit to the depth of the layers that can be uncoiled although at some stage it will feel like we have arrived at stillness. Time still exists somewhere but it doesn’t matter as you have lost your grip on it, journeyed beyond its constrictions, spiralling instead with this new found freedom. When you enter these sacramental rites through bodywork - this timeless realm restores a familiar sense of trust within. Your body recognises that you are listing in to the sensations and as your tensions and pains are brought out from underneath the veil, are witnessed and accepted the body moves from dissolving into the experience to becoming the experiencing. All is unremembered.

It is very likely you will emerge from a bodywork ritual and you will not be the same as before, forever softened and stirred, touched by the holding, energies and spirits that through their touch have transformed you. Sometimes it takes a lot of patience post ritual, accepting trialling risings where shifts need to occur in alignment with our new vibration - sometimes it stakes hours, days or even weeks before the healing is to be fully integrated into all molecules of your mortal flesh and its infinite continuum. When you embrace all moments post ritual with presence and acceptance - integration can flow completely naturally, without an iota of tension, repression or resistance. The connection with these instinctual realms of timelessness and our kundalin energy is made more potent with each successive bodywork ritual. Once fully remembered and released from existing obstructions, negative memories and fears, this experience of timelessness can be slipped into again and again without any trepidation.

I will guide you all the ways through the full spectrum of bodily emotions and sensations through these rituals embracing that for which we have no words for or that for which we have suppressed and forgotten the words.

अदि शक्ति

अदि शक्ति, अदि शक्तिअदि शक्ति, नमो नमो सरब शक्ति, सरब शक्तिसरब शक्ति, नमो नमो प्रथम भगवती, प्रथम भगवतीप्रथम भगवती, न




In all these moments of ritual our body is communicating tantric codes to us, calling us to listen into our sagacious bodily memory. These tantric codes are so infinitely sophic, awake and really guide the body to  full embodiment of our deepest vibrations from ecstasy to our sneaking shadows. These codings are pouring from our inner well spring and if we are willing to harmonize with them - they instinctively flow through our anatomy with a radial velocity of  honeyed nectars.

How it is my honor to have you enter yourself through these bodywork rituals - to recall the surge of surrender to the flow of this instinctual tantric liquid. You will be met with a rush of fleshly, animalistic tactile experiences merged with a metaphysical otherworldly aliveness. It is knowing and it is all tantric and it is destined for you.

“This is the tantric definition of our sexuality: the return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness.”  - Osho


Oh how we have forgotten our magic and it is in the very depth of this wild intensity called life. May these bodywork rituals serve you as a magical wayfarer in resuscitating these untamed medicinal spirals of feminine elixirs. The medicine is in your essence, in the reclaiming of the magic of  living, breathing, sounding and moving and in the collective reclaiming of it all  - a magical gnosis.  Once we slip into this magical realm barren of time and linearity, lead beyond cultural ideologies and literacy -  we arrive at a deafeningly empty space of endless possibilities. Here, the revolution and rebirthing of ourselves can begin in unanimity with the magic capacities of quantum energy.

“The core practice of magic is: The execution of a willed intent to create change in the material world, which either defies, hastens or purifies the consequences of natural cause and effect.” -  Zeena Schreck


An ancient healing path that flows strong into these bodywork rituals enchanting us to have inherent experiences with spirit, in ritual guiding us in retrieving what has been lost and opening our eyes again to the aliveness of everything that surrounds us and that we can come into intimacy and harmony with it all. Shamanism is deeply familiar to us, already deeply encoded in our DNA,  it feels more like a deep remembering of something long forgotten and a re-enchantment with the vibrancy and vitality of the  mystery of the cosmos and the lower, middle and upper worlds. 

“If you bring forth that which is within you, Then that which is within you Will be your salvation. If you do not bring forth that which is within you, Then that which is within you will destroy you.” - Peter A. Levine.


In bodywork rituals we bring in the perception of somatics and alchemy - an increased ability to hear the melodia of the body and to sense intuitively, fluidly and respond with pleasure to the feelings of being fully alive. Transcendental experiencings throughout the ritual may feel ethereal but these do not appear out of thin air but are born out of being so solidly embodied and having unified our inner realms, our wholeness, incorporating all the elements of our composition - earth, water, air and fire. These essential elements are cosmic tools for transformation, you are able to join me in discovering the somatic alchemy of yourself in ritual, embodying the cosmos and unifying the workings of your body, mind and spirit.

“Don’t dismiss the elements. Water soothes and heals. Air refreshes and revives. Earth grounds and holds. Fire is a burning reminder of our own will and creative power. Swallow their spells. There’s a certain sweet comfort in knowing that you belong to them all.” - Victoria Erickson

plant spirits

Through sacred bodywork rituals we weave in the lost language and encoded transmissions of plant spirit medicine. A deep symbiotic and synergetic bond intertwines us. To be able to journey with these sentient plants brings us deeper into our aliveness and our sacral energy allowing us to access channels within that have the ability to connect us with our darkness and pain - initiating a path home to our native rooting that is of this body land. Stepping into intimacy with plant spirits is a precognitive trail sown with prophecies, divine knowledge and ensouling embodied transmissions.

Let us taste our wildness - sweetgrass, blackthorn, oak, rose, mugwort, blue lotus, damiana.


Serpentine brothers and sisters……

You are a breathing, moving, and sounding embodiment of your being - gasping to meet yourself fully in the epicentre of self, innately longing to surrender to your ecstatic emptiness. This is your orgasming of life, you become your life force, you become fluidity itself, embodying whenever and where-ever you experience it honouring the godliness in the fullness and rawness of it all.

In these bodywork rituals we return to the earth through breathing, moving, sounding and allowing ourselves to spiral into a great cosmic dance. When our pelvic energy is open, trusting, activated and free flowing through bodywork - divine codes stream in through our sacral root luring us to expansion to being in our fullest power.

Energetic sovereignty is possible, if we can trust that the connection to source can’t be severed and that all inhibiters of a free flowing life force energy can be liberated. It is only dormant concealed under layers of cultural and societal conditioning, oppression and unprocessed traumas.

Let’s poke the wild embers a little, let go of it all and begin to remember who you are.


Dear Body, I am so tired, I just want to go home. I am so full of wanting and longing, deep lost pits inside of me. Let me surrender to myself, to the entirety of my being - the ugliness, the darkness, my beauty and my light, the parts of me I have shamed and denied, the sticky corners of my being that I have fragmented from, those that remain unacknowledged - and as I do, I trust that magic will happen. As the magic permeates I become wild and free again and the earth can come through my body.


These mystical rituals are experienced in an archetypal dimensionality, where it is likely that a lot of unprocessed and held trauma will be agitated and brought to a visible and felt experience. It is vital then for us to work in alignment with the nervous system so that we can enter and trust with ease the transformations accessible to us in these altered states of consciousness. All my bodywork rituals, are not forceful, nor are they a take-over of your system, they are not rough, aggressive or intrusive in nature. I do not condone a practice of being cracked open forcefully, the openness found via this route is often temporary and too overwhelming for us to integrate, simply just too much for the system.

In ritual we flow like a honeyed river, softly, flesh like water, through the lunar pathway of feminine surrender. It is a deeply rich feminine path of transformation that that resonates long after the ritual, integration can take place because the system is so trustingly open, the heart space overflowing with love, this can only occur when in sootheing alignment with the nervous system.

When you leave here you have received a powerful initiation and have likely shed skins but know that is combined with powerful integration support. You are well held.


Our emotional body and subtle body are our umbilical cord to our health and wholeness, our aliveness and our vigor. In bodywork we usually begin the process by unbinding the power ambushed in the root chakra, we ground and discharge and build energy all in conjunction with the nervous system and for this you need a strong holding, a protected container. This is my heartfelt offering to you. I pray that you may mend and come home to yourself, served by this holding and by the remembrance of trusting your biological energy. .

Do you give me consent to play the dark flute of descent into your bodily darkness, into the deepness of your being and initiate you to recall its instinctual melodic pulsing and innate wisdom? To remember that you are the hymnal tune that fills this earth.

Fiery brothers and sisters - are you ready to burn in the flames of your own inferno, and before long rise from your ashes - ashes no longer have a fear to burn.

I am me. In my wilderness. I am wild. And bio energy is my beat.

I am sumptuous, earthy, magnificent. As are you.

May it all serve you, wild one.


step inside

you’re wild beyond

schedule a session

A session really is an erotic initiation, a wild reclamation of your sexuality and entry into the land of milk and honey. Are you feeling the temptation of this spiritual invitation invoking your eros and the alchemical fire of the rising serpents. Can you feel the lure to awaken your innate divinity - free from held shame, pain and fear ? Longing to experience the magic of your liminal body?

Then come hither - to dive through the portal and discover the sacred rites within. I will be awaiting you.


Want to book multiple sessions to receive discounts?


practitioner training

“My belief is in the blood , bones and flesh as being wiser than the intellect. The body unconscious is where life bubbles up in us. It is how we know that we are alive, alive to the depths of our souls and in touch somewhere with the vivid reaches of the cosmos.”

— D.H Lawrence



  • Everyone, we all have a need to come back to remembering our shakti energy and creating a free flow of energy in awakening to our power within. You will receive an extensive intake form to fill out after placing the booking to screen you for any contraindications. If there is anything you are concerned about feel free to reach out to me prior to making a booking.

    If you have been diagnosed/self diagnosed with a mental health challenge or are on medication - you can reach out to me before scheduling a session. We will discuss together what is possible and I can share with you how this work has the potential to support and serve you. Please also see the next FAQ regarding Kundalini Syndrome/Symptoms.

  • After the booking you will receive a preparation email with full guidance on the build up to your sessions. I ask you to abstain from coffee, alcohol, cacao, plant medicine, micro-dosing, peak orgasms, ejaculations in the days beforehand. I give you a little breath-work to practice at home, it is very simple just one type of breath in preparation for the session.

    On the day of your session I ask that you are fasting, bring suitable clothing to the session and not wear any perfumed/scented deodorants, hair or body products.

  • I have chosen not to work with you during pregnancy however if you are thinking of conceiving soon or in the future this work is powerful to do in preparation for conception. I hope we soon to get in a culture where we no longer are inhibited to carry out heart-work because we are restricted by insurance regulations or restrictions of the potential of our suing culture.

  • If you are looking for help with after an involuntary awakening you have come to the right place. Perhaps you have had to master many challenges on your own as you did not know what was happening to you. Perhaps it has been a rather disturbing and confusing and painful experience so far, please know that it doesn’t have to be this way and we can work together to free yourself from this debilitating problems of kundalini symptoms. Kundalini energy is a medium to carry you only towards your highest potential of love and wisdom and bliss states, this energy is nothing but divinity and there is nothing to fear, where we can run into difficulties is where we harbour trauma, tensions, pain and fears etc within the body. In bodywork rituals we work through the energetic pathways of the body to clear these, allowing you to eventually enjoy the free flow of this divine kundalin energy.

  • You are welcome here. I see you and feel you. This modality draws in sexual trauma warriors because of the deep connection to the body, our embodiment, pleasure and the remembrance of our innate power. Please know that I hold deep and safe space for transforming sexual trauma - with a decade of trauma facilitation experience through family constellations, a form of intergenerational psychotherapy.

    If you have been subjected to extremities of sexual abuse, violence and exploitation, whether in adulthood or childhood know that my space has heard and felt many stories like yours. You have come to a space where it is safe to shed, unravel and experience the freedom and innocence that we all deserve to feel. You will find here only radial warmth and a space devoid of shame and judgement.

    I am a survivor of grooming and incest abuse and I tell you that freedom and ecstasy is possible for you.

    It is often overlooked that sexual trauma can also include being shamed, sexual teasing, invasion of privacy, voyeurism, exhibitionism, exposure to pornography, repressing guilt about past sexual behaviour, having an abortion, or not voicing your desires or boundaries during intimacy.

    What would it feel like to encourage self acceptance and to be loving on your own unique beauty again? Could you imagine yourself experiencing the release of the body's armour ? Have you a yearning to find ways to befriend your body and listen to its innate wisdom again ? Then come. lets explore, the realms of freedom.

  • You are a sexual being, with a potency of sexual energy coursing through you. Body Whispering is about coming home to our sexual innocence, reawakening to our biological orgasmic energy/shakti/kundalin and shedding the layers of shame that keep us separated from our wild expressive sexual nature. So here we can’t avoid working with sexual energy, as that is precisely the gateway we want to immerse ourselves in. Arousal energy is the most healing energy we possess. Your sexual energy is a gift given to allow yourself to experience life more deeply, sensually, passionately and meaningfully.

  • Yes of course this is accessible to everyone. However, this is not the initial focus of a session but always [ with commitment devotion, will and consistency ] a ripple effect of the process. Through the experiencing of the process we learn to transmute our pain to pleasure. The more free the body becomes - rid of its tension, pains, traumas - the more fluidly and expansively our sexual energy can flow within and out of us. The pleasure potential is vast!

  • Yes, everyone is equally welcome. I cherish more brothers stepping into this work and thus more deeply into themselves. I honour your bravery in being the beacon of light and in leading the way for others.

  • First session are approx. 3 hours, however I recommend you leave your schedule clear, incase we go over time. The nature of this work is unpredictable. I ask all my clients to come with a heartfelt and compassionate degree of flexibility and be prepared to wait if the session before your session stretches on. I will keep in communication with you where possible and inform you.

    Second sessions are usually 2.5 hours. The investment is the same. If you are flying in or travel to me from further afield, I highly recommended you choose the extended option 5 hour option at 450 euro.

  • Yes, absolutely, you will feel very in your body / embodied and that is quite an empowering feeling. However, should anything ever become too overwhelming or impossible to bear, I will immediately notice this and make a call to pause before you have to ask me. I will ask you to open your eyes, keep eye contact, breathe together, support you energetically and we only begin the journey if and when we both are ready.

    All my session work is in alignment with the nervous system and the mission is not to crack you open forcefully and reach a state of system overload or take a deep dive into complete overwhelm but rather work slow and surely, never pushing your body beyond what your are able to integrate in this moment in time. It is all heart work, gentle and tender. My intuition and skill will hold you well.

    I find that when we are cracked open so forcefully we often can shut down very quickly due to nervous system overload. This is not my practice and I don’t believe this to be serving. Here in my sacred space facilitation we flow like honeyed rivers, flesh like water, in the feminine pathway of surrender. You always lead the session, you are always in choice and in control. And I trust that you know your body best.

  • Yes, I film all the Body Whispering sessions including group sessions. I don’t film any other practices such as those of The Wild Sexual Path containers, unless it is a Body Whispering session as part of this container.

    There are many reasons for filming the sessions. I am calling - folks to step forward that are ready to break through the inhibitions we have been culturally conditioned with and break through barriers of shame around sexual energy. Brave soul, I am asking you to lead the way by embracing your vulnerability and allowing yourself to be seen in expressive moments that spring forth from your most authentic self - your well spring of being - your life force, your longings, your pains and aliveness cursing through you. In sharing your beauty you will inspire others to step forward into this work.

    Of course, I am happy to work together with you to explore areas of shame and discomforts in being seen and witnessed by others that you may be holding, exploring ways where you would like to break through/overcome/explore further. Please know that I don’t feature any intimate moments of arousal should this occur in a session and if there is any purging I will only share with your permission. You can choose if you would like to be tagged or stay ‘anonymous’! You will find further clarifications and consent details to complete during the booking process.

    Social media is a complex rabbit hole of ethics to navigate - we all try our best to show up on this space as an authentic expression of who we are and in alignment with the mission we want to share. I hope that in being here that you are served. If it doesn’t align I send you all my love and blessings, may you soon find the right space to be served. We all deserve to be met.

    Please know that I also practice what I preach and that I film my bodywork processes and share them with you, so that you can witness me in that same essence.

  • You can reach out to me and we can explore options together. I will try to help you where it is within my own capability and resources.

    Where I am renting a location, all bookings will have to be paid in full one month before the date of the session.

  • Yes, you can find more details via this link to the Practitioner Training / Academy . We have started intake for the 2024 Practitioner Training.

  • A journey as potent as this ideally requires commitment and consistency … you showing up for yourself. I highly recommend 6-12 sessions in a year, if you are seeking a life altering transformation. Saying that it is my guidance that you tune into yourself and see what calls you. If you listen carefully and tenderly your body will let you know what you need.

    Once you have had several one to one session with me, you will be able to join in small group sessions [ 4-6 people ] These are price at 155 each. Please message me for details and upcoming locations.

  • I highly recommend- if you can to clear your schedule on the day of the session to ensure you have serenity and peace for a powerful integration. It is ideal if you can take the following day to sit with yourself and anything that may arise and may need processing. This is an ideal and I understand this may not always be possible. Do the best you can.

  • Yes! I will naturally always check in with you post session, usually within 3 - 7 days. I walk beside you, a guide and confidante for your journey bringing in tantric spiritual practices, some soothing and some expansive, including breath-work, all supporting the cultivation of your kundalini energy outside of the realms of the sessions. You can always reach out to me by sending voice-notes or text messages and we can arrange follow up calls on request. There exists for you also a community group [ whats app ] where Wild Sexuality clients come together. A space where my team and I share extra resources and support you throughout your journey of integration and continuance. You are welcome to share your process and experiences, support each other - initiate new like minded connections and experience people that are on a similar journey to you.

    We all need to walk each other home and create a more communal and collective way to heal. I hope this initiates a new paradigm for you.

  • I am currently working out of my sacred temple space in West Cork, this may be subject to change in the future. I also travel to Belfast every couple of months for sessions and occasionally Wicklow, Donegal and Tyrone. You can check upcoming locations by hitting the book now / schedule button. Feel free to send me a message and put in a request for a particular location! I would love to know where you want me to come to next!

    You can also choose to invite me to your part of the country/world, see the FAQ below for more details.

  • I am happy to travel anywhere within the island that is Ireland. If you would like to gather a group of about 12-15 people { I will support you on social media to reach this number } and invite me to come to you, just reach out to set the cogs in motion!

    For other parts of the world 20+ people would be required for a trip to be feasible. Please bear in mind, international travel costs and accommodation costs would have to be covered. If you would like to check availability and explore possibilities, just reach out to me via email, Instagram or whats app.

  • Yes, absolutely! You can find a button/link further up on this page. Currently, we offer amounts from 50-450 euro in 50 euro increments. If you are looking for a higher and/or specific amount, please reach out to us for a custom gift certificate. If you would like to cover the cost of training for a dear one, we can also arrange a custom gift certificate. We can even send it out on a day of your choice, if it should be delivered as a surprise.

    There are also gift certificates available for the shop/products only. Available directly in the shop, these cannot be used for sessions/events/trainings/workshops.

  • Group sessions can be a very beautiful way to experience the alchemical flow of energy from your 1:1 Body Whispering sessions. If you are interested in a group session, just reach out to initiate via Instagram, email or whats app. Please note that I only work with a max number of 6 participants in my space in West Cork. It is essential that 3 out of the 6 folks have had previous sessions with me. I may also choose to work with an assistant. This is all to ensure that you are adequately supported if any deep processes/trauma shedding arises. Sessions are 150 euro per person for a 3.5 hour session.

  • This process is not KAP. However I have indirectly studied KAP. I would describe my process as an earthy , tangible, visceral that consists of hands on bodywork, a tantric spiritual path, de-armouring, plant spirit medicine, sensory stimulation and deep trauma facilitation and unlike KAP it is an in person process only.

  • I don’t recommend this work for younger children. However, if you have a teenager/young adult especially if they are struggling with their mental health and they are in urgent need of support, I will consider the work on a case by case basis. They must possess/bring an independent want, a curiosity or a pull to step into this work. I am happy to make space to meet and invite you both into the space for a tea and intro chat.

  • No, I don’t use any psychedelics in sessions. All the plants/herbs used in sessions are only a gentle accompaniment throughout your journey, and are not THE journey. All are non-psychedelic and legal. Nevertheless they are extremely potent guides to open specific channels - plant spirits you may encounter in my sacred space amongst others may be damiana, blackthorn, oak, hawthorn, mugwort, rose.

  • Yes. Very occasionally it can happen that we have first to overcome a resistance, grow a deeper sense of trust within, and fine-tune our body listening skills before we are able to surrender fully. This is all part of your journey and process and I will guide you there. However it is important that you leave all goals or expectations and judgments behind [ as much as possible ], as this will inhibit your presence to the here and now - which is the only moment where we can truly surrender within. Be patient with yourself - S L O W - is the fastest way to heal.

  • It is a full spectrum experiencing, everything is so interconnected, your entire being expands so its hard to give isolated benefits. However a few potent areas would be pleasure, joy, trust, power/empowerment, sexual expression and overall surrender to the fullness of life.