call of the wild womxn 

an initiation

into the medicine of our eco erotica

9th - 10th august 2024


& born of nature

The wild womxn within us all represents an unbridled spirit, an inner force of fierce emotions and untamed desires. She speaks to us of our primal instincts and whispers of a world beyond the confines of societal expectations. With a voice that echoes through the ages, she calls out to us, asking us to delve deep into the heart of our being and confront the injustices that lie within.

She brings clarity to our passions and gives life to our visions, illuminating the world with her nature. Her message resonates with those who dare to listen, inspiring us to awaken our own inner wildness and to shed the shackles of oppression. She is more than just a voice, she is a symbol of hope and evolution, reminding us that the world is a place of constant change and renewal, where the power of nature sustains life.

With wildness and grace, we will dance and sing in reverence, offering our bodies as vessels to the earth, as an embodiment of the wild womxn. We listen to the earths’s whispers and learn her ways, merging as one with her rhythms and pace.

With presence, we lay upon the mossy bed, succumbing to the earth's embrace, in a union of harmonic cohesion. We allow ourselves to be at one with everything around us, feeling the pulse of the earth and the rhythm of the moon. The wild womxn within us calls out to be set free, and we respond by embracing our own unique voice and by letting our wild instinctual nature emerge.

So let us answer the call of the wild womxn and reclaim our inner power. Let us awaken our instincts and trust our intuition. Let us embrace our complexities and embrace our true selves, unapologetically. For the wild womxn within us all represents the power of transformation and the promise of a wilder more embodied future.

“The mind can forget what the body, defined by each breath, subject to the heart beating, does not.”
- Susan Griffin.


with our earthly sensations

The erotic energy that lies within each of us is a pulsing, powerful force that blends the spiritual and the carnal, the mystical and the earthly. In ceremony, we tap into this power, uniting the erotic and the tender to break free from the shackles of our past and the oppression of control. As this wild energy courses through our bodies, flowing through our waterways, we touch the deep natural order of the universe and awaken the ancient wisdom within us. We surrender to ourselves, the feminine and the mythical within, diving into the river of life-force that is our intuitive and ancestral power, and our divine eros.

In Call of the Wild Womxn, we find a connection to the natural world, where all living creatures and elements exist in harmony. As humans, we are part of this grand ensemble, intertwined with the cycles of nature and the ebb and flow of life. The wild woman embodies this connection, feeling at home in the somatic and internal realms, and using eco erotic magic to harness the power of her aliveness, to manifest her desires.

The tension between desire and fear can be transformed into an alchemizing of the two into a blissful release. By learning to expand our capacity to hold the sensations that arise from our depths, we become more embodied, letting go off societal norms and expectations, and embracing the truthfulness of our wilderness. The nervous system and the fluid system is key in this process, allowing us to feel comfortable and at peace with our risings, as we reclaim our ancestral wisdom and surrender to the divine erotic energy within us.

Ah, to bask in the warm embrace of a connection to the animal within and to be attuned to the instinctual and innate listening that it brings. To be intertwined with the elements, the flow of life, and the celestial expanse of the cosmos. The wild woman has been making her presence felt with a resounding force within us, reminding us that she is not just confined to the forests and nature, but she is always here, woven into the fabric of our society and humanity. We begin our journey exploring the ‘Call of the Wild Womxn’ with this embodiment of raw power and untamed essence.

Social structures, ideologies, and belief systems that cage our wild woman and stifle her expression must be cast aside, for in the embrace of our primal self lies a truth and an ecstatic aliveness that cannot be contained. The voice is a powerful tool, and the wild woman knows this, for when she speaks, her truth resounds with a clarity that cannot be silenced.

And yet, the journey to reclaiming this connection is not without its challenges. The fear, pain, and grief that comes with breaking free from the constraints of societal norms can be overwhelming, but the wild woman knows that these emotions are part of the cycle of life. The body and emotions move in a cyclical pattern, much like the seasons and the lunar phases. It is simply a matter of being with life as it is, for the wild woman knows the ebb and flow of existence, and she embraces it all with a steadfast grace.

In the midst of it all, one feels the power of the root and the throat, for in the liberation of our primal self lies the release of our voice and the flow of our emotions, and to bask in this freedom, whether it be pain, pleasure, grief, or joy, is to truly be alive.

“Wild women seek freedom and ooze authenticity. No one can control them once they’ve felt free. No one can make them feel unstable or disobedient once they feel true to themselves. They’re no longer tamed living in a false reality. The wild ones choose to live truthfully and unquestionably.”  - JefaWild.

come to find

your wolfish ways?

inviting you into

ECO eroticA

In circle we will reawaken the eco erotic within us, allowing us to reconnect with the sacred wisdom of the natural world and rediscover our place in the larger, cosmic rhythm.

The eco erotic is not just a physical energy, but also a spiritual one, woven deeply into the fabric of the cosmos. When we tap into this energy, we open ourselves up to the flow of life-force and experience a sense of deep, inner connection with all that exists. The power of our eco erotica can help us break free from the constraints of our past experiences and societal norms, allowing us to surrender to the transformative wisdom of the universe.

By invoking the eco erotic energy, we access a wellspring of intuition and instinctual power, which can guide us on a journey of liberation and rejuvenation. This journey brings us closer to the natural order of the universe and helps us to understand our place in the grand ensemble of life. Through embracing the erotic and connecting with the natural world, we can reclaim our ancestral wisdom and co-create a harmonious and sustainable future for us all.

The essence of life is erotic by nature, embodied in the natural world, where a harmonious interplay of living creatures and elements exist in a rhythmic dance. As integral members of this cosmos, humans are deeply entwined with the cycles of plants, animals, microbes, climatic conditions, waterways, and all organic components, all of our wild womxn eco erotica explorations are about coming back to this awe and re-enchantment and allowing this devotion to inspirit our aliveness.

“I venerate / the Woman whom I fear, the Wildness that I love.” - Renée Vivien.


This journey will lead to a shift in awareness, moving from a disconnection to one of re- connection rooted in community and in an appreciation for all beings, including those beyond human. May we see a transformation in human consciousness, where we awaken to the majesty and mystery of the earth beneath our feet. A world teeming with complexity, intelligence, and life, that has been subjected to our dominance and ferocity. What if we could revere again the soil as a sacred, sentient being, deserving of our devotion and tender care? Imagine a world where we attune our senses and offer gratitude for the rhythmic cycles of the underworld, as we walk upon this magnificent and nurturing realm.

This knowledge transforms us, shaping the way we move in the world and leaving us with a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. You allow yourself to be open and receptive to the environment, waiting and listening for the sounds, textures, and sensations that surround you, and embracing the rhythms and cycles of nature through eco-somatic rituals. With this, you become more attuned to the elements, recognising their presence within you and resonating with the life-death-life cycle of the natural world.

By embracing the holistic relationship between the land and our native roots, we aim to restore the sovereignty of the land, while acknowledging the deep cultural significance of the places that we walk upon and experiencing how the ways in which corporate, colonial, and capitalist systems have influenced and manipulated your body awareness and freedom.

“I am looking for the one I can’t fool.”                       - Kamand Kojouri.

rewild me, wiLDeSS


The ‘Call of the Wild Womxn’ initiation is cyclical, circular and involves both death and rebirth of sorts. The darkness and the underworld holds great power and our ascension happens by embracing and loving the fragmented and broken parts of ourselves. The descent is a return to the womb where we meet with pain, trauma, grief, and rage, but also with pleasure, passion, vitality, fertility, and power. Our bodies hold the wisdom of how to navigate the dark terrain between life and death and can be our guide. Integration is the challenging aspect of this process and ancient shamanic cultures offer great wisdom in weaving ourselves whole through integrating our immortality with our humanity. This feminine shamanic path offered asks you to embrace your dark initiations, learning to source our own inner medicine, honey, and nectar to not only heal ourselves, but also bring healing to the world. It's a journey of self-discovery, where we learn to become our own midwives and nurturers, guiding ourselves through these transformative experiences.

“The wild ivy grows wherever it pleases.” - Marty Rubin.


Most of us constrain our bodies to behave in conformity with the intellect and the linear values of societal norms rather than entrusting the phenomena of indigenous impulses, rhythms and natal sensitivity of the body. What ensues is an absolute self-sacrifice and self-denial and a renunciation of our native edge and our erotic wilderness. Erotic re-wilding is about emancipating our bodily experiences and discovering the wild truth of ourselves. The truth that intuitively knows how to love, uncoil, shed, live through pain and revel in ecstasy. On this path of re-wilding we are trailing on the scent of both the shadowy and the unadulterated layers of our erotica. Synchronously embracing the knowing that the heart is both our composting chamber and our fertile soil, impregnated with the a multitude of interconnected erotic mycelia. We will dance among a forest of re-wilding practices and together awaken to this erotica, as our inner life force and our spiritual strength. We will also challenge sexual myths, connect with wild archetypes and plant spirits, and speak the wild orphic language of the cosmos in whose reflection we see our own wild erotic self.

“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” - Henry David Thoreau.

remembering our erotic ecology

All tantric initiations here are therapeutic fine-spun sequences for fusing our spirit and matter, weaving together all the parts of us that are threadbare, lost, or have become entangled. Together in sisterhood, we cultivate our bodies to raise more and more life force energy, the power of the soul, the gift of our divinity within. As life force flows, we live to breathe our bodily manifestation, and melt into awareness of the indivisible wholeness in all. Call of the Wild Womxn leads us to a tantric temple permeating with esoteric experiences, purifications of the mind, spirit and body; the ritual use of hallowed offerings and wild plant spirits, and the slow cultivation of the ability to open our eyes and senses to the ecology of the world and ourselves again. These therapeutic practices we meet here are the tantric artistry of crumbling an illusion that we are ruptured and recalling the reality that we were always whole, erotic and connected to our ecology. Hand in hand, we learn how to harmonise, transmute our energies and create a colossal resonance with our combined energy fields, sanctioning ourselves to experience our unbroken, feral and eco-erotic ecstasy.

“Wild spirits are often born in a cage, which disappears if and when they learn to handle their wild energies.”  - Shunya.

rituals: biological orgasmic ecstasy

Our esoteric, emotional and sensual fluidity is the paradisiacal language for cultivating our arousal. Through processes and practices for heightening our senses, we begin to taste the energies of our wild femininity, of creation and of divinity. We become both the current and the channel for our deep-toned divine undulation. The entire body land can be transformed into a satiated erogenous zone, that once initiated, innately begins to recall the plethora of micro-sensations. Renewing these sensations, susceptibility and receptiveness, enhances the microcosmic sensuality at our fingers-tips. In sync with your sisters, we learn the body’s ability to vibrate beyond the linear domination. Liberated ecstasy happens when we master the art of staying relaxed in high states of arousal. We learn to let go of our constrictions and contractions. We come to need less and less friction, ferocity, intensity, less stimulus in order to feel. We relinquish our imprisoned joy and confined pleasure from our tissues and our auric field. Our mouths begin to water, as we taste the freedom of our wildness..

“What is a Wanderess? Bound by no boundaries, contained by no countries, tamed by no time, she is the force of nature’s course.” - Roman Payne.

unshaken, held by the earth.

“He says that woman speaks with nature. That she hears voices from under the earth. That wind blows in her ears and trees whisper to her. That the dead sing through her mouth and the cries of infants are clear to her. But for him this dialogue is over. He says he is not part of this world, that he was set on this world as a stranger. He sets himself apart from woman and nature ...

We are the birds eggs. Birds eggs, flowers, butterflies, rabbits, cows, sheep; we are caterpillars; we are leaves of ivy and sprigs of wallflower. We are women. We rise from the wave. We are gazelle and doe, elephant and whale, lilies and roses and peach, we are air, we are flame, we are oyster and pearl, we are girls. We are woman and nature. And he says he cannot hear us speak.

But we hear.” 
- Susan Griffin.


who will capture our wildness

meet the wild womxn -

“I am a lover. A lover of life, laughter, and love herself, and if you let me a lover of your inner fire. I am cheerleader of the divine, celebrating creation and everything we are. I am here not as a servant as no one, but to surrender and if we meet I would love to surrender to you. What I can give is to witness your beauty through my eyes and their extension: my camera, my lenses. Let us meet in the excavation playground and being wild or tender or both to the same time. My greatest childhood wish was to become an archaeologist (to be exact: an Egyptologist - even though I couldn't even write that correctly back then). When I think about it now, I find that I'm not as far away from that as it seems at first glance, and that this wish - though quite different from what I thought - somehow did come true. Okay, the little girl I once was imagined desert sands and sphinxes, but what lies before me now as a young woman I find far more exciting: the vast landscapes, silent beauties - of the people I meet in the here and now and whose riddles I may tackle - if they want me to - without being devoured by them.

Or do I? Archaeologists are in search of deep secrets, perhaps even lost treasures. When I look through my camera, I set out on the same path. Only in today. And I think I find them - these treasures - under and on the surface of people. In their eyes, which tell so many stories. In their hands, whose touches can express so much that a whole glossary cannot. For me, the human body is a field of expedition.

The amazing and sad thing is that the human being who inhabits it has often turned this expedition into an inner war. I myself do not exclude myself from it. Alas! We inhabit our bodies, but do we live in them? Is there a life before death? If so, why do we play war in it? Against ourselves? So let us work on peace instead together. And peace starts within.

Let’s go.“ - Elisabeth Mochner

more team members and contributors coming soon








NAKEDness in the underworld

Exploring the journey of heightened feminine awareness is a sacramental and all powerful experience that can make one feel uncertain and lost in the vastness of their own existence. But within this emptiness lies the discovery of one's true self and embryonic potential. Like the sumerian goddess Inanna, we are asked to shed our outer layers and confront the dragons of our past, present fears, and future doubts. This journey is one of challenge, humility, and loss, but it also leads to a deeper understanding of oneself and their truth. At each step, we are asked to surrender and be vulnerable, until we stand naked before the gateway to our soul. In this moment of surrender, we find our inner strength and reclaim the parts of ourselves that were lost, forgotten, or denied. Journeying through the underworld, we face our pain and trauma, uncovering also the roots of collective fears and wounds. The journey may not be easy, but it leads us to the depths of our soul, where we find the wild courage to rise, be reborn and whole in love.

” …dimensions are separated only conceptually. It is a mistake to think that external, internal, and secret can truly be divided or are mutually exclusive. Confusion on this point leads to many of the great divisions in belief: religions that disregard or mistrust the life of the body, secular cultures that do not recognise the sacred nature of the earth, or preoccupation with the material well-being that ignores spiritual development. All of life is important and arises from the sacred elements.” - Tenzin Wangal Rinpoche.

opening deeper

De-armouring is an archaic method, a deep esoteric purification ritual of the body and its inherent soulful anatomy. Enter this zone of expansion where you begin safely unbinding your pains, wounded desires, holdings, tensions, blockages, emotional, energetic or physical traumas. Your sphere of sisters, and I, always holding you in a tended surrender. We re-connect with our pain bodies and guide one another to unshackle from held woundings, through instinctual and spontaneous expression, till we glide into a more fluid, free and open way of being. An armoured body inhibits and represses the aphrodisiacal intuition of our sexuality. If we want to recall a love for ourselves and others that is more trusting, fierce and freeing, we need to throw away this servitude of obsolete moth-eaten layers of protection, that are no longer serving us. De-armouring is a seduction back to a sacred remembrance, to sovereign answers, to a hunger for devotion to the body and its divine truth that will pour forth from the depths of us in an embodied declaration, when we begin to listen in with heart. Letting it all go in this mystical dance of liberation, is the salvation to our ecstasy.

“…the inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed surface of our external lives.Touch brings presence home.” - John O’Donohue.


Before you lies a medicinal path into the altered states of our erotica, personal and collective, a realm of potent body-mind trances that brings us to heightened states of awareness and sensory perceptions. We trace the memory of sacred sounds and breaths and the tide of bodily movement. In turn activating our energy channels to awaken gushes of full bodied energy. When the full alchemical energy medicine is awakened, soon returns an ineffable aliveness and radiance within the body. How we long to be with our alchemy and how we have managed to segregate ourselves from it, the universe and one another. Can I entice you to surrender to meet undiscovered alchemies that can take you deeper and higher than you have ever been? To explore remembrance of the sacred sites of our body land - penetrated by this earthly energetic alchemy. I would love to guide you in the return to your alchemical energy medicine and the ancient primordial body wisdom that is continually compelling you to go deeper into trust and thus into life. Come wild one, be the alchemical elixir, and merge with life and the embodiment of it all.

“Wildness is not found but revealed.”- Paul Gruchow, Boundary Waters: The Grace of the Wild.

Come to awaken the evolutionary spirit within you, the force that yearns for your liberation. In the arms of your wild sisters uncover the untamed and suppressed aspects of your psyche and unbind one another from societal constraints, hyper-independancy, wounded judgements and the oppression by norms and expectations. Learn to feel with the pulse of intuition, the inner wisdom of your embodied power, the strength that comes from being fully present in your body. And return to your wilderness, the place where you feel intimate and in alignment with the wild revolution of self. 

“The God is wild, but his is the wildness of connection, not of domination and violence. Wildness is not the same as violence. Gentleness and tenderness do no translate into wimpiness. When men -- or women, for that matter -- begin to unleash what is untamed in us, we need to remember that the first images and impulses we encounter will often be the stereotyped paths of power we have learned in a culture of domination. To become truly wild, we must not be sidetracked by the dramas of power-over, the seduction of addictions, or the thrill of control. We must go deeper.”

- Starhawk, The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess.

this portal is for you if you have

  • a willingness to expand your pleasure holding power - by stepping into a space beyond the limitations of the five senses, to dive deep into the realms of the sacred dark transformative soil, the earthy void, and where we can compost what no longer serves us.

  • a willingness to divinely deconstruct, transmute and transform that which inhibits your wild flow of eco erotic energy and all that restrains your interconnection with the earth and your biological orgasmic ecstasy.

  • a willingness to explore and embrace what may arise when exploring your earthly and sensate body and its miraculous anatomy and metaphysical anatomy.

  • a willingness to sink into your sexual wild womxn psyche, to let fall the self sabotage and instead soak into the innate, instinctual wisdom of the body land, its clay and terra firma.

  • a willingness to move into the shadowy depths our internal mycelium [ fascia ] to dissolve in your own soil burial, knowing that this is not only a place of death and composting but of re-emergence.

  • a willingness to step into the opening and growing capacity of your inner soil that bypasses the fear, blows into oblivion the judgement of the crowd and the mindset and constrictions of societal norms. Is your wild womxn heart yearning for this liberation?

  • a willingness to ground into your elemental, enrooted and ensoiled nature in the presence of sisterhood, both your receiving and your serving enhancing its stronghold of love and protection. 


  • In the arms of sisterhood, we shall revive our enchantment and rekindle our awe for both our body lands and that of the earth. To become once again enraptured by the enigmatic force of nature, that has always been present within us.

  • We will free and liberate our breath, as we open ourselves up to experiencing the unbounded sensations of our aliveness, unencumbered by restrictions and limitations. With every inhale and exhale, we shed the restrictions that have held us captive, permitting us to dwell in the now with a wild ecstatic freedom.

  • We shall tend to your sacred temple of flesh, basking in the glory of the transformative power of a resounding "no" and tracing the contours of your boundaries with the nurturing grace of the divine feminine, embodied by the mighty Durga.

  • We shall unravel the cultural tapestries that bind your power and keep you in disconnection, so that you may reclaim your throne and bask in the inter-connectedness of the universe and one another, nurtured by the call of the wild feminine.We'll delve into uncharted realms, where we can redefine power and reveal its fluid form.

  • We embark on a pilgrimage to the inner sanctum of our souled bodies, where the mystical rites of deep bodywork unravel the knots of pain and spin them into threads of bliss, bathed in the soothing aura of the circles of sisterhood.

  • Together we will seek spiritual guidance and insight being offered to us, through movement and our wild expression. The intention is on connecting with the elemental forces of the earth as the feminine mysteries, using the body as a oracle for divination. By dancing with the elements of the earth, we are allowing ourselves to become open to divine revelation and our deep inner body wisdom.

  • With graceful ferocity, we shall unleash our voices in powerful incantations, breathing life into our holy rage. As wearers of the headdress of serpents, we embody the fierceness and grace of the feminine, embracing our strength and power as we unleash our embodied spirits upon the earth.

  • We shall delve into the depths of our sacred sexuality, discovering the intimate connection between our bodies and the earth through eco erotica and eco somatica. As we move in harmony with the natural world, we delve into the alchemical arts of movement, finding balance and unity in the interplay between our bodies and the earth.

  • With reverence we shall embark on a journey into the enigmatic spaces within our bodies, traversing realms of the unknown and uncharted. Through sacred rituals, we shall penetrate the veil of the invisible and unlock the doors to the seemingly untouchable, discovering the infinite wisdom and power that lies within.

full payment

(Select full payment option at checkout, pay €222 deposit now & the remainder of €666 via bank transfer within 7 days, total due €888)

join TODAY & receive A discount + bonus

 — INCLU. Organic Bodyland Oil - ‘Wild Womxn’ & Sacred Smoke Blend  - ‘We are Flame’     - value 200 euro

 — Accommodation and all food included

 — In-person retreat, 3 full days

 — 3 Evening sessions

 —  Secret location in Ireland

 — Induction call, whats app support


Offer expires 31st March 2024


(Select instalment option at checkout, pay €222 deposit now & the remainder of €666 via bank transfer at your pace within 30 days before event date, total due €888)

join today

 — Pay €222 Deposit Today

 — Accommodation and all food included

 — In-person retreat, 3 full days

 — 3 Evening sessions

 —  Secret location in Ireland

 — Induction call, whats app support


what womxn are saying

“I will be forever changed.The peace I feel within still is something I have never experienced. There's also a love rippling from within, a hunger as such and an insane feeling of heat. Thank you again for all you have helped open for me.“

— Jess

“Narah’s gift allows you to go there, to the depths of the darkness, to the realms you never knew existed within you, witnessing the pain, experiencing the deep ancient pain in order to transmute into expansion, bliss, euphoria and a being with freedom. Freedom to live a life without constraint, constructed ideas of what we should be, how we should be, who we should be…”

— Maria

“You allowed me to see myself as something greater. I felt a sense of love and compassion for myself that I knew was there just needed to be brought to the surface. After our session I feel light, more empowered, more freedom and I cant wait to continue on this journey.“

— Sian

“I experienced pure joy and happiness. I found the part of myself which I lost ages ago. It brought up for me the power, the strength again. It was a pleasure for me, literally. Can't wait for next one. I am, I am, I am.“

— Natalia

“I am both in awe of what has awaken within me during our session and in pain that this inner power and bliss has been kept away from us for so long. I feel a deep sense of homecoming within my body and it is as if I am finally sitting by that flowing inner well of love and life force I've been searching and walking towards for so long“

— Agatha

“A descent into the darkness of my own Underworld so that I can ascend back to the light that I am. I’m extremely grateful to have had the privilege of this healing. I feel Narah has guided me through a portal to the self I know exists and there’s no going back.“

— Janet


Reveling in the elegance of nature's orchestration, letting it inspire and guide us as we tune in to the symphony of our surroundings. Embodying the wisdom of the land and allowing it to shape our movements, as we deepen our connection to the earth. Cultivating a mindful awareness of the relationships between all beings and embracing the diversity that enriches our ecosystem. Anchoring ourselves in the stillness of the earth, feeling rooted and at peace, as we unlearn our patterns that are keeping us caged. As womxn of the earth, we will delve deeper into the understanding of our biology, anatomy, and the intricate connections between all living things.

Can you hear your sisters roar, calling us together?"


  • Womxn only. We all need to come back to remembering our flow of energy and creating fluidity in our awakening to our eros and power within.

    You will receive an extensive intake form to fill out after signing up. If there is anything you are concerned about feel free to reach out to me prior to making a booking.

  • If you have been diagnosed/self diagnosed with a mental health challenge or are on medication - you can reach out to me before smaking a booking. We will discuss together what is possible and I can share with you how this work has the potential to support and serve you. Please also see the next FAQ regarding Kundalini Syndrome/Symptoms.

  • After the booking you will receive a preparation email with full guidance on the build up to your sessions. I ask you to abstain from coffee, alcohol, cacao, plant medicine, microdosing, peak orgasms, ejaculations in the days beforehand. I give you a little breath-work to practice at home, it is very simple just one type of breath in preparation for the session.

    On the day of your session I ask that you are fasting, bring suitable clothing to the session and not wear any perfumed/scented deodorants, hair or body products.

  • Yes, absolutely.

  • I have chosen not to work with you during your pregnancy however this work is particularly powerful to do in preparation for conception.

  • Yes you can, you are always in choice in my sacred holdings and containers. I will always support what is arising for you with compassion and may offer you a space and time to explore this further.

  • You are welcome here. I see you and feel you. This modality draws in sexual trauma warriors because of the deep connection to the body, our embodiment, pleasure and the remembrance of our innate power. Please know that I have held deep and safe space for transforming sexual trauma - for a decade starting ten years through family constellations, a form of intergenerational psychotherapy.

    Whether you have been subjected to rape, cult and ritualistic abuse, paedophilic rings, grooming or incest, know that you have come to a space where it is safe to shed, unravel and experience the freedom and innocence that we all deserve to feel.

    I am a survivor of grooming and incest abuse and I tell you that freedom is possible.

    It is often overlooked that sexual trauma can also include being shamed, sexual teasing, invasion of privacy, voyeurism, exhibitionism, exposure to pornography, repressing guilt about past sexual behaviour, having an abortion, or not voicing your desires or boundaries during intimacy.

    What would it feel like to encourage self acceptance and to be loving on your own unique beauty again? Could you imagine yourself experiencing the release of the body's armour ? Have you a yearning to find ways to befriend your body and listen to its innate wisdom again ? Then come. lets explore, the realms of freedom.

  • This container doesn’t contain therapeutic yoni touch between sisters. But its intimate, as we hold each-other tenderly and allow each-other to be therapeutic sisters, holding space for deep transformative healing, both personal and collective.

  • You are a sexual being, with a potency of sexual energy. Body Whispering is about coming home to our sexual innocence, reawakening to our biological orgasmic energy/shakti/kundalin and shedding the layers of shame that keep us separated from our wild expressive sexual nature. So here we can’t avoid working with sexual energy, as that is precisely the gateway we want to walk through. Arousal energy is the most healing energy we possess. your sexual energy is a gift given to allow yourself to experience life more deeply, sensually, passionately and meaningfully.

  • Yes, a lot of intention will be given to this. Through the experiencing of the process we learnt the transmutation of our pains to pleasure. The more free the body becomes rid of tension, pains, traumas - the more fluidly and expansive our sexual energy can flow. The pleasure potential is vast!

  • Yes, mixed events coming in 2024.

  • Yes, we film and photo document all the events.

    There are many reasons for this documentation. I am calling - folks to step forward that are ready to break through the inhibitions we have been culturally conditioned with and break through barriers of shame around sexual energy. Brave soul, I am asking you to lead the way by embracing your vulnerability and allowing yourself to be seen in expressive moments that spring forth from your most authentic self - your well spring of being - your life force, your longings, your pains and aliveness cursing through you. In sharing your beauty you will inspire others to step forward into this work.

    Of course, I am happy to work together with you to explore areas of shame and discomforts in being seen and witnessed by others that you may be holding, exploring ways where you would like to break through/overcome/explore further. Please know that I don’t feature any intimate moments of arousal should this occur in a session and if there is any purging I will seek permission/blessing before sharing this. You can choose if you would like to be tagged or stay ‘anonymous’! You will find further clarifications and consent details to complete during the booking process.

    Social media is a complex rabbit hole of ethics to navigate - we all try our best to show up on this space as an authentic expression of who we are and in alignment with the mission we want to share. I hope that in being here that you are served. If it doesn’t align I send you all my love and blessings, may you soon find the right space to be served.

    Please know that I also practice what I preach and that I film my bodywork processes and share them with you, so that you can witness me in my essence.

  • Yes please see the listing above.

  • Yes I do, you can find more details on the Body Whispering Academy page.

  • I highly recommend- if you can to clear your schedule post initiation to ensure you have serenity and peace for a powerful integration. It is ideal if you can take the following day to sit with yourself and anything that may arise and may need processing. This is my advice.

  • Yes! I will naturally always check in with you post initiation, usually within 7 days. I walk beside you, a guide and confidante for your journey bringing in tantric spiritual practices, some soothing and some expansive, including breath-work, all supporting the cultivation of your kundalini energy outside of the realms of the sessions. You can always reach to me by sending voice-notes or text messages and we can arrange follow up calls on request. I will also create a community group [ whats app ] for all of my clients to share a space, where I share extra resources and support and you can share your process and experiences, support each other - initiate new like minded connections and experience people that are on a similar journey to you.

    We all need to walk each other home and create a more communal and collective way to heal. I hope this initiates a new paradigm for you.

  • Yes, absolutely! You can find a link further HERE. Currently, we offer amounts from 100-450 euro in 50 euro increments. If you are looking for a higher and/or specific amount, please reach out to us for a custom gift certificate. If you would like to cover the cost of training for a dear one, we can also arrange a custom gift certificate. We can even send it out on a day of your choice, if it should be delivered as a surprise.

  • No, I don’t use any psychedelics in sessions. All the plants/herbs used in sessions are only a gentle accompaniment throughout your journey, and are not THE journey. All are non-psychedelic and legal. Nevertheless they are extremely potent guides to open specific channels - plant spirits you may encounter in my sacred space amongst others may be damiana, blackthorn, oak, hawthorn, mugwort, rose.

A Liminal Space earthly and divine


When I think of aliveness, I picture myself standing at the edge of a shimmering lake, the sun setting behind me, casting golden light all around. My senses are heightened and my body is humming with energy. I'm completely present in the moment, and there's a sense of spaciousness in my heart and my soul. I feel connected to everything and everyone, and I feel as though I could float away in this ethereal world of beauty and grace, yet I feel my roots. I'm in tune with my own emotions and I feel the weight of them, but I don't shy away from them. Instead, I allow myself to sink into the depths of my own soul, to be held by the earth and to be surrounded by the magic of life.

Ecstasy, for me, is like a sensual dance with the universe. My body is alight with the rhythm of my heartbeat, and I feel a deep connection to my sexuality and my sacral chakra. The world around me is like a lush garden, and I feel as though I'm swimming in a sea of sensations and delights. I'm completely present in my body and my soul, and I'm surrendering to the ecstasy of life. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud, and I'm suspended in time and space. The air is thick with the scent of blooms, and I'm surrounded by the soft whispers of the wind. I'm in this liminal space between the earthly and the divine, and I'm completely alive.

Narah Wilder - Wild Sexuality.