Welcome sister, to these mystical and earthy yoni steam and smoke rituals, where we immerse ourselves in the raw, primal power of our sacral energy. Here, we connect with the esoteric landscapes of our innermost being, tapping into the wisdom and truth that reside deep within our body lands. Held by Narah and her tribe in the womb temple, we surrender to the call of our intuition, allowing it to guide us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Here, we unveil the hidden gems that lie within our body lands, revealing the truest expression of our feminine power.

Whichever journey we embark on - the mystical steam or the mysterious smoke - both begin in the sacred soil of our descent, where the roots of our being delve deep into the very essence of life. It is from this foundation that we can rise up, feeling the potent aliveness and energetic vitality that comes from being fully in tune with our esoteric and earthy bodies. As we move through the ritual, the interplay of tone, water, smoke, herbal and energetic offerings and touch that amplifies our energy. We are reminded of a place where the veils between worlds thin, a place where we are free to access the highest truth that lies within our lands.

The steam, like a potent elixir, can saturate the deepest layers of our being, nourishing us from the inside out. Its warm embrace igniting our internal fire, awakening our passion and enkindling our senses. The smoke spirals, curls and dances like a sacred serpent, enveloping us in a cocoon of fragrant warmth, while the water’s aromatic mists, cleansing and purifying that what no longer serves us, activating our sacral energy, and preparing us for new beginnings. In both we are reminded that we are not separate from the earth - but a part of it, and that by aligning with our bodies and the power of nature, we can access the infinite wisdom that lies within.

Through these rituals, we come to remember that our bodies are temples, and that by embracing our femininity and our earthy nature, we are tapping into a power that has been within us all along. Our voices, like echoes from the earth itself, resonate with the roots of our being, reminding us of the deep connection we share with all of creation. We emerge from the ritual transformed, renewed, and empowered, deeply served on the journey of learning to embody the fullness of our being and to live life as a wild, untamed feminine force of nature.

September 30th 2023

October 15th 2023


Womxn who are in sync with the rhythm of the earth understand that growth comes only from the art of self-surrendering. Her femininity is like fertile soil that nurtures the seeds of her dreams, while her wild nature is like the untamed wilderness that beckons her to explore the uncharted territories within. Her senses are finely tuned to her environment, like the unfolding of a flower, allowing her to revel in the sensory latitude that life has to offer her. The essence of her being is like a sacred dance that spirals inward, where the centre holds the wisdom and strength to weather any storm. To activate this life force within, she must love and accept her body, and remember how to bask in her beauty like a drop of dew sitting in a leaf of lady’s mantle glimmering in the light. This self-love and acceptance are the keys to unlocking her power, helped my the incandescent glow of a thousand sisters illuminating to her, her darkness. With this power, she has the ability to inspire the village around her to remember also their rhythm.


As you step into these esoteric experiencings, your senses are greeted by the alluring aromas of crab apple, hazel and hawthorn woods. Their scents a soothing symphony that sets the tone for your immersion. You will be swathed by the unmistakable fragrance of mastic bark and resin, labdanum, and frankincense cocooning you into their earthly cloaks. These ancient plant resins are known for their ability to transport you to a deeper state of consciousness and facilitate healing at both soul and body level.

As you explore deeper into the wild woods of steaming and smoking, you'll discover the potent medicine of mugwort and motherwort, known for their ability to provide protection and guidance during times of transition. The delicate petals of rose and calendula offer their gentle yet powerful healing properties, while the calming scents of chamomile, yarrow, oat straw, and skullcap work to soothe and restore the nervous system.

These resins, plants and woods are carefully chosen and combined to create a unique and personalised blend for you. Each plant offers its own unique gift, tailored to meet your specific needs and desires. With the help of these earthy plant spirits, you'll be enraptured to a place of deep restoration and re-connection to the natural world, where you can tap into your inner body wisdom and your instinctual nature, that facilitates your mending like no one else can.


In the land of northern sudan, a sacred and sensual, nubian smoking rite reigns, but this ritual appears in many cultures in varied forms. Here, on this native soil, it lives and  transforms into a timeless dance with smoke and native woods, whispered to the lips of womxn, an ancient art that enfolds the feminine essence and enraptures the body land into a symphony of healing smoke and balmy fragrances.

Yoni smoking is an intimate ceremony of the body and the senses that offers a plethora of alimentative essences to womxn. The carefully chosen native woods for these rituals, such as crab apple, hazel, willow and hawthorn, weave an aromatic tapestry of smoke, mingling with the ancient resins of cretan labdanum and oman frankincense to add a heightened sensory and medicinal dimension to the experience.

This intimate practice begins with anointing the body with our earth balms and scrubs, before sitting on a seat of the earth itself. Layers of thin and thick native woollen blankets are draped over the body in succession, creating a sense of warmth and safety. A smoke is permeating from the pit beneath the rim, and fragrant wood chips are laid upon it, the smoke wrapping the body in its transformative embrace. Narah’s somatic words will guide and lead us as the heat intensifies, enveloping the body until every fibre of being is fully immersed in this sacred communion.

Through this rite, we can reclaim our sensuality and embody the essence of the feminine, unveiling a remembering that our bodies are beauty, connection and inherent wisdom. This ritual is a dance with the ancient and the timeless, rooted in the eco-somatic traditions of our ancestors, offering us a glimpse of the mystery and magic of life.

The ancient aphrodisiac ritual of the smoke bath is a bewitching ceremony that exudes feminine and earthy energy. Passed down through countless generations of wise womxn, this ritual has survived un-remembering and continues to thrive although it is less known than yoni steaming. Its significance is immeasurable, as it not only enhances physical and emotional wellness but also serves as a medicinal rite.

Enchanting and mesmerising, the sweet aroma of aromatic woods permeates the skin infusing the body with a heady fragrance. The smoke bath's power lies in its ability to increase the flow of oxygen, invigorate and enliven cells, blood and the energetic pathways within our bodies.

During the smoke ritual we allow the aromatic scents to envelop our bodies in a thick, protective layer. We journey with labdanum's potency as it allows us to bring up deep-seated memories stored in our cells, including painful experiences from our past and inherited traumas passed down through our ancestral line. Incorporating labdanum into our healing work extensively can help us process and release these difficult experiences, paving the way for a renewed sense of wholeness and a brighter future. The final unveiling reveals a body landscape that is infused with the wisdom of the plant spirits and truth originating form our epicentre.

The smoke bath and plant spirit of labdanum are powerful allies that allow us to connect with the earth's ancient wisdom, embody our feminine energy, and embrace the beauty of our esoteric and earthy  body lands.

October 15th 2023


Yoni steaming is an ancient and powerful tradition that has been passed down through generations of womxn from many cultures for centuries. It is a ritual of cleansing and nourishment, both energetically, emotionally, and physically, that awakens our connection to our body lands. During these yoni steam rituals, the warmth of selected and wildcrafted herbal steam suffuses and relaxes the entire landscape, initiating a sense of rejuvenation, reconnection and recalibrating.

The power of yoni steaming is magnified by incorporating breath, sound and somatic guidance to enhance the shift in perception of being a womxn deeply rooted and grounded in her body and sexuality. This allows for a more profound connection to the mysteries and depth of our own womb, the womb of mother earth, and the esoteric womb. By embracing this ancient tradition, we can embrace our own divine essence and fall in love with our own energy.                 

It is about time, that we did.

Curious about the mystical mists of yoni steaming or the golden lotus? A wondrous satiation that lovingly enwraps the hallowed temple of our sacral root. This ancient custom, passed down from generations long gone, is a balm for the heart, soothing the monthly rhythm and easing the many discomforts.

As the steam rises, a magical transformation begins to take place. The gentle infusion of earthy herbs blend with the divine feminine, creating a serene and restorative experience. The feminine petals and the womb sanctuary bask in the warm embrace of the steaming, receiving the nourishment and cleansing they so richly deserve.

With each breath of skin, the purifying essence of the steam works its bewilderment, renewing and revitalising our root. A metamorphosis takes place, as the medicinal tones of the herbs seep the tissues and soothe the soul. The entire steam ritual is a sacred time to reconnect with your inner goddess and rejuvenate your very being.

This therapeutic ritual, is a symphony of warmth and healing that stimulates the senses and balances the hormones. As the steam permeates the pelvic region, it increases blood flow and circulation. The herbs used in the steaming ritual offer a natural remedy for an array of ailments, making this steam immersion also a treasure trove of medicinal benefits.

So let the gentle mist of yoni steaming merge you to a world of tranquility, where the sacred temple of the feminine is nourished and cherished. Immerse yourself in this mystical experience and let your root be reborn anew.

September 30th 2023


The experience in these bodywork healing rituals is based on a set of archetypes and spiritual paradigms, that also are the bones of family constellations and shamanic rites that heal the psyche and the soul in a realm of timelessness. This bodywork has its roots deep in my spiritual experiences and my ancestry of mongolian shamanism, the sky womxn and wolf womxn as well as a whole support network of modern day teachers and guides. In ritual you and I together we penetrate deep into a timeless zone, a twilight zone, a shadowy, bodily and allegorical time in which all that ever was and ever will be is present with/in us.

Throughout this journey we home in on the experiencing of a wild space, of origin, a primordial state of being, where stories and literacy cannot not exist. Healing takes place in this sacred realm, but it becomes tangible and visible through - the body - the altar - and its felt sense - the ritual - you enter a corporeal, embodied, unfeigned state. Everything throughout the session is aimed from detaching you from the linearity of your mind and its wicked relation to time and instead lead you into the deep cavern of the body - the connection that links both the tangible and concealed worlds.

Your process serves as an embodiment of an invitation for awakening a powerful somatic medicine within the body and psyche. Together we retrieve denied, shamed, lost and fragmented parts of you and bring them home. We can pull out and extract foreign and intruding energies that are squatting in your body landscape and return these to peaceful waters. During bodywork rituals, I infuse unique energies that contribute to the healing with blessings, sounds, herbal offerings, water, scents and purifying smoke - gathered always around the altar - the altar of you. This process is less about forcing to heal - more about surrender, presence, trust and lust for the here and the now - but the causal sequence is healing.

September 30th 2023

October 15th 2023


“In the midst of a verdant, mossy forest, where the soil is moist, misted by the vinicial ocean that merges with the smoky fog of the wild woods - there is a sacred temple where steam and smoke rituals are offered.

The air suffuses with an ethereal aroma of yarrow, mugwort and resins creating a scintillating ambiance. The steam rises from the vessels like incense, swirling and coiling into a mystical haze.

Sisters, figures in open flowing robes, enter the circle, and in togetherness we raise our arms to the sky, and a choral chant fills the air. Mother of the water…

The first wave of steam merges with the devotees like a baptismal wave, washing away their accumulated impurities and doubts. The steam envelopes and take in arms the body lands of these sisters, soothing their aches.

The steam rising is infused with the wild power of the earth, as it permeates into our skin, coursing through our veins, and igniting a remembrance. The ritual became a sacred spiralling dance between the steam and its devotees.

The steam just like you, a wise healer, a patient listener, a loving mother, and a strict teacher. It is a rising vessel of pure energy, transmitting the message of the divine, guiding the devotees to the path of self- love.

The sister beckons the steam devotees to open their hearts and minds, and allow the steam to enter their sanctum sanctorum - to let go of their fears and self-surrender. The steam encircling them in a cocoon of microcosmic sensual sensations, and in communal renunciation to the steam ritual’s mysticism, - in sisterly union we become a sacred pilgrimage, a cosmic union between our human and  our divine. This ritual serving as a potent reminder that the power of the universe was within us all along, waiting to be unveiled.

And when the ritual ends, and the steam dissipates, the devotees emerge from the circle.They walk out of the forest, having received a shimmering reflection of their divinity and humanity, and perhaps their pains yet to be embraced, ready to face the world with renewed vigor and an open heart.” 

- Narah Wilder


Welcome to this mystical temple of self-care and inner reflection, where the eco somatic caress of nature envelops us, offering solace for our tired and worn bodies. Here, we embrace the profound truth that transformation requires a sense of safety, which can only come through self-surrender. As we self-surrender held by the natural world, we open ourselves to the endless possibilities of growth and expansion, allowing us to connect with ourselves and others in deeply meaningful ways.

In this sacred space, our focus is on creating a harmonious flow of life force energy and our pleasure capacity that unites us with our deepest selves, allowing us to feel everything fully and without hesitation. We come together to open our hearts and clear the energetic pathways that have been blocked and tense, freeing us to experience the purest form of love.

As we guide you through this transformative journey, we teach your nervous system to trust in the safety of expansion and guide you back to a state of balance. Here, you can fall in love with your own divine energy, experiencing the fullness of life without judgment or fear. Our space is one of healing, rejuvenation, and connection, where you can bask in the soothing embrace of nature and rediscover the ecstasy of your aliveness.

So let go of your worries, immerse yourself in the natural world, and discover the limitless potential of your own spirit. Welcome to a place of transformation and transmutation, a safe place to embrace our tensions, pains and traumas, where you can reconnect with your deepest self and find the true meaning of love within.

September 30th 2023

October 15th 2023


SEPTEMBER 30th 2023

full payment

select full payment option at checkout

Yoni Steaming Ritual

-  Bodywork Ritual 

-  Lunch & Herbal Teas

- Your full payment will be supporting the temple campaign

- 30g Steaming Herbs



select deposit option at checkout

-  Yoni Steaming Ritual

-  Bodywork Ritual 

-  Lunch & Herbal Teas

-  only 33% deposit required



OCTOBER 15th 2023

full payment

select full payment option at checkout

- Yoni Smoking Ritual

-  Bodywork Ritual 

-  Lunch & Herbal Teas

- Your full payment will be supporting the temple campaign

- 30g Steaming Herbs



select deposit option at checkout

-  Yoni Smoking Ritual

-  Bodywork Ritual 

-  Lunch & Herbal Teas

-  only 33% deposit required


“I blow the prayer-filled smoke from deep inside the caverns of my lungs into the troposphere. I do not know what the ether will return to earth for me -  but if I close my eyes I can feel an opening - a new way to snake with life, a new tribe is shedding its skins, a community that is impregnated with love, is warm and moist with tenderness and mushrooming.... a communal, collective way of healing. Welcome.”

― Narah Wilder, Wild Sexuality.


  • This container is for womxn only and in addition I highly recommend you come for a Body Whispering session before the day of the event to be able to immerse yourself deeply in the practices offered to you.

    Attending a Body Whispering session prior will help you to come back to remembering your flow of energy and set you up on the path of reconnecting with the energetic fluidity of your body land in your awakening to your eros and power within.

    You will receive an extensive intake form to fill out after signing up. If there is anything you are concerned about feel free to reach out to me prior to making a booking.

  • We will 16-18 sisters in circle together.

  • When it comes to yoni steaming, it's important to take note of certain contraindications to avoid any potential risks or complications. It is not recommended to steam during menstrual bleeding, including spotting, as well as during pregnancy. Additionally, if a person has certain medical conditions or sensitivity to heat, steaming may not be suitable for them.

    To ensure a safe and effective steaming experience, you will be asked to fill out a thorough intake form to assess for any contraindications and steam sensitivities. We will also provide guidance on the steam and smoke setup , the herbs and woods used will be tailored to your specific needs. We will always prioritise safety and consult with you before engaging in this wellness practice.

  • We tenderly chose different dates, one perhaps more suited if you are on a red moon cycle and one more suited to you if you are on a white moon cycle. So I advise you to look ahead before booking.

    As we work to bring this temple to fruition, we ask that you honour your commitment, for your booking is non-refundable. However, we honour the sacredness of your cycle, and should you bleed in the days leading up to the ritual, know that your booking is naturally transferable to a future date. I will be running these monthly or bi monthly in the near future subject to demand.

  • After the booking you will receive a preparation email with full guidance on the build up to your event. I ask you to abstain from coffee, alcohol, cacao, plant medicine, microdosing, peak orgasms, ejaculations in the days beforehand. I give you a little breath-work to practice at home, it is very simple just one type of breath in preparation for the session.

    On the day of your session I ask that you eat a light breakfast and bring suitable clothing to the session and not wear any perfumed/scented deodorants, hair or body products.

    It is recommended not to shave or wax the pubic area before steaming.

  • Coming soon.

  • Yes, but you will be advised to sit for a shorter duration of steam. Ideally, you don’t have an IUD fitted, when partaking in this ritual.

  • No, I don’t use any psychedelics in sessions. All the plants/herbs used in sessions are only a gentle accompaniment throughout your journey, and are not THE journey. All are non-psychedelic and legal. Nevertheless they are extremely potent guides to open specific channels - plant spirits you may encounter in my sacred space amongst others may be damiana, yarrow, blue lotus, hawthorn, calendula, motherwort.

  • I am not currently working with pregnant womxn and yoni steaming. However its is a powerful practice to prepare for labour and in the aftermath. You can contact me if you would like guidance and support on this journey.

  • While yoni steaming is not recommended in the initial recovery phase after a hysterectomy, it may provide some benefits to individuals after they have fully healed. These benefits can include improvements in scar tissue, reduction in brown or irregular discharge, and improved vaginal lubrication, which may help to decrease discomfort during sexual intercourse. Additionally, some women have reported experiencing psychological benefits from yoni steaming after a hysterectomy, such as a greater sense of feminine connection and comfort.

    It's worth noting that there have been reports of individuals with partial hysterectomies experiencing improvements in ovarian cysts after vaginal steaming. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting vaginal steaming, especially after a surgical procedure.

  • Yes, many womxn who have undergone yoni steaming have reported an increase in sexual desire, possibly due to the relaxation and improved circulation that may result from the practice. Additionally, certain herbs used in vaginal steaming, have traditionally been used to reawaken our sexual desire. You can make us aware of this in your intake form and we will prepare a herbal blend for you with this in mind. You can also request extra of this blend to be prepared if you would like to purchase some to continue on your steam/smoke journey at home.

  • We will gather from 10 am to approx. 5pm. The Bodywork ritual will be 1.5 hours, the steam 1 hour [ but the actual steaming time is less ] and the dukhan smoke ritual is 1.5 hours [ but the actual smoking time is less ]

  • Yes you can, you are always in choice in my sacred holdings and containers. I will always support what is arising for you with compassion and may offer you a space and time to explore this further.

  • You are welcome here. I see you and feel you. This modality draws in sexual trauma warriors because of the deep connection to the body, our embodiment, pleasure and the remembrance of our innate power. Please know that I have held deep and safe space for transforming sexual trauma - for a decade starting ten years through family constellations, a form of intergenerational psychotherapy.

    Whether you have been subjected to rape, cult and ritualistic abuse, paedophilic rings, grooming or incest, know that you have come to a space where it is safe to shed, unravel and experience the freedom and innocence that we all deserve to feel.

    I am a survivor of grooming and incest abuse and I tell you that freedom is possible.

    It is often overlooked that sexual trauma can also include being shamed, sexual teasing, invasion of privacy, voyeurism, exhibitionism, exposure to pornography, repressing guilt about past sexual behaviour, having an abortion, or not voicing your desires or boundaries during intimacy.

    What would it feel like to encourage self acceptance and to be loving on your own unique beauty again? Could you imagine yourself experiencing the release of the body's armour ? Have you a yearning to find ways to befriend your body and listen to its innate wisdom again ? Then come. lets explore, the realms of freedom.

  • Our body lands and skin deserve platonic love and care just like every inch of our bodies. Lets bust through some of those inhibiting blockages that are perhaps not allowing us to receive or give nourishing touches and healing energies. View yourself as therapeutic sisters, holding space for deep transformative healing, both personal and collective. Yes, there will be nudity.

  • Yes, although this is not the initial focus of a session but always [ with commitment devotion, consistency ] a ripple effect of the process. Through the experiencing of the process we learnt the transmutation of our pains to pleasure. The more free the body becomes rid of tension, pains, traumas - the more fluidly and expansive our sexual energy can flow. The pleasure potential is vast!

  • Yes, absolutely, you will feel very in your body / embodied and that is quite an empowering feeling. However, should anything ever become too overwhelming or impossible to bear, I will immediately notice this and make a call to pause before you have to ask me. Out of 200 sessions this has only occurred on 3 occasions. I will ask you to open your eyes, keep eye contact, breathe together, support you energetically and we only journey when we both are ready again.

    All my session work in alignment with the nervous system and the mission is not to crack you open forcefully and reach system overload or complete overwhelm but rather work slow and surely, never pushing your body beyond what your are able to integrate in this moment in time. It is all heart work, gentle and tender. You will be well held.

    I find that when we are cracked open so forcefully we often can shut down very quickly due to nervous system overload. This is not my practice and I don’t believe this to be serving. Here in my sacred space facilitation we flow like honeyed rivers, flesh like water, in the feminine pathway of surrender. You always lead the session, you are always in choice and in control.

  • Yes! More coming soon.

  • The frequency of yoni steaming and smoking varies depending on an individual's specific needs and conditions. Some individuals may require daily rituals, while others may only need to steam/smoke once a month to prevent any unwanted changes or effects on their menstrual cycle. However, there are some people who should not steam at all. We will help you to determine an appropriate steam plan based on the your individual profile. Along with the frequency of steaming, it is also crucial to have the correct setup, steam duration, and herbal formula.

  • I highly recommend- if you can to clear your schedule on the day of the event to ensure you have serenity and peace for a powerful integration. It is ideal if you can take the following day to sit with yourself and anything that may arise and may need processing. This is my advice.

  • Yes! I will naturally always check in with you post session, usually within 3 - 7 days. I walk beside you, a guide and confidante for your journey bringing in tantric spiritual practices, some soothing and some expansive, including breath-work, all supporting the cultivation of your kundalini energy outside of the realms of the sessions. You can always reach to me by sending voice-notes or text messages and we can arrange follow up calls on request. I will also create a community group [ whats app ] for all of my clients to share a space, where I share extra resources and support and you can share your process and experiences, support each other - initiate new like minded connections and experience people that are on a similar journey to you.

    We all need to walk each other home and create a more communal and collective way to heal. I hope this initiates a new paradigm for you.

  • I am currently holding space out of the wilds of West Cork. I also travel to Belfast , Donegal and Tyrone every few months and occasionally Wicklow. The Dukhan smoke however can only be held in my space in West Cork. Feel free to send me a message and put in a request for a particular location! I would love to know where you want me to come to next!

    You can also choose to invite me to your part of the country/world, see the FAQ below for more details.

  • Yes, this is possible. However it will only ever be also by a sister who will also join us in practices. She will very much be part of our village.

    If you don’t want to be in any sharings of photos or want to avoid being documented, you can just notify me on the form.

    I will never share any nudity unless I have a specific permission from you do so.

    There are many reasons for filming the sessions/events. I am calling - folks to step forward that are ready to break through the inhibitions we have been culturally conditioned with and break through barriers of shame around sexual energy. Brave soul, I am asking you to lead the way by embracing your vulnerability and allowing yourself to be seen in expressive moments that spring forth from your most authentic self - your well spring of being - your life force, your longings, your pains and aliveness cursing through you. In sharing your beauty you will inspire others to step forward into this work.

    Of course, I am happy to work together with you to explore areas of shame and discomforts in being seen and witnessed by others that you may be holding, exploring ways where you would like to break through/overcome/explore further. Please know that I don’t feature any intimate moments of arousal should this occur in a session and if there is any purging I will seek permission/blessing before sharing this. You will find further clarifications and consent details to complete during the booking process.

    Social media is a complex rabbit hole of ethics to navigate - we all try our best to show up on this space as an authentic expression of who we are and in alignment with the mission we want to share. I hope that in being here that you are served. If it doesn’t align I send you all my love and blessings, may you soon find the right space to be served.

    Please know that I also practice what I preach and that I film my bodywork processes and share them with you, so that you can witness me in my essence.

  • You can reach out to me, we can explore options together. I will try to help you where it is within my own capability and resources.

    Where I am renting a location, all bookings will have to be paid in full two weeks before the date of the session.

  • Yes I will be offering a yoni steam and smoke training, it is on the way to you in 2023.

  • I am happy to travel anywhere within the island of Ireland, including the north. If you would like to gather a group of about 16 people { I will support you on social media to reach this number } and invite me to come to you, just reach out to set the cogs in motion!

    If you would like to check availability and explore possibilities, just reach out to me via email, Instagram or whats app.

  • Pelvic steam and smoke is not limited to womxn and can also be a beneficial practice for men.

    Whilst I do not currently offer a steam or smoke circle for men, it is my intention to expand my offerings in the future. I would love to include men who also benefit deeply from this therapeutic ritual.

  • Yes, absolutely! You can find a button/link further up on this page. Currently, we offer amounts from 100-450 euro in 50 euro increments. If you are looking for a higher and/or specific amount, please reach out to us for a custom gift certificate. If you would like to cover the cost of training for a dear one, we can also arrange a custom gift certificate. We can even send it out on a day of your choice, if it should be delivered as a surprise.